August 16 2017 0Comment
irrigation system maintenance

Irrigation System Maintenance

Now that you have made a significant investment in your irrigation system, here are some thoughts on how to keep your irrigation system working effectively:

  • Have your irrigation contractor perform the spring start-up of the irrigation system. The contractor should be making any necessary adjustments to rotations to ensure the grass and/or planting beds are getting watered. He should also be clearing any debris surrounding the sprinkler heads and making sure there are no leaks.
  • Maintain a yearly service contract with your irrigation contractor. This should include the spring start-up mentioned above and the winterization mentioned below. A service contract can be twice a season (start-up/winterization), four times a season (start-up/winterization) and two additional maintenance checks during the season, or (start-up/winterization) and once a month during the irrigation season.
  • An irrigation system must be winterized every year. An irrigation contractor with the proper equipment should do this to make sure all lines are free and clear of any water in order to avoid breaks over the winter months. The contractor can offer you sprinkler repair service along with irrigation system maintenance.
